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Q: How high can a rescue swimmer jump from?
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What is the pay for a rescue swimmer?

60 million

If a pool was 3 m deep should a nonswimmer jump in?

There's two parts to this: 1) Only "jump in" a pool that is approved for diving, and only where it's deep enough that you won't be injured (by hitting the pool bottom or side). 2) If there's a shallow end, there no reason a non-swimmer couldn't wade into the pool under supervision (by a swimmer who can rescue them if they get into trouble). I wouldn't recommend a non-swimmer "jump in" the deep end of a pool even with supervision.

How dangerous is it to be a rescue swimmer in the coastguard?

it is very dangerous

Can a naval officer become a navy search and rescue swimmer?

Yes. Although it is usually avoided, an officer can become a SAR swimmer.

Is rescue an adverb?

No. Rescue can be a verb, or a noun, also used as an adjunct (rescue swimmer, rescue boat).

How does the second swimmer know when to jump in a relay swim race?

The most common way is to stand 3/4 from the front of the block and wait for the swimmer to come. When the swimmer gets to the "T" at the end of the pool the swimmer on the block dives in over the swimmer in the water.

What is the word crew in this sentence supposed to be changed into to be a past tense word In the last stage you crew an inflatable rescue boat and simulated the rescue of an exhausted swimmer?

Past tense of crew is crewed.

Can a rott weiler jump high?

no it can not jump high

High school high jump?

what is the high at on a high school high jump? boys Girls

How high can Steve hooker jump?

He can jump really high

What is the human world record in long high jump?

There is no competition called the long high jump.

If you jump high into the sky how high did you jump?

I don't know but that's prety high