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Q: How heavy is the discuss in track and field?
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What is shot putt?

It's a sport where you try to throw a heavy ball as far as you can (track and Field)

What is 3 main category in track and field?

track and field track and field

What is widely considered to be oldest sport known to humankind?

Track and Field

How do you get college offers for high school track and field?

Meet with a counselor and your coach. They will discuss your options and possibly set you up with some different schools.

What is a competition in running called?

track and field

What is the spelling of diskuse?

There are some possibile words : DISCUSS - to have a dialogue, talk over DISCUS - a thrown oblate object in track and field also DISCOURSE - a debate

Is chess a track and field game?

No, chess is not a track and field game.

Where did track and field get its name?

track and field got its name because when you run you on a track. the field part is because you compete in the other competions on a field a grassy area.

What is a shot in shot put?

the shot put is a round heavy ball that ranges from 8lbs for girls and 12 lbs for boys . most played as a field even in track and field .. and this is a great sport (to me )

Track and field in the 2008 Olympics?

Yes there will be Track and Field in the 2008 Olympics.

What year was track and field invented?

776 BC is when track and field was invented!

When did track and field come to the Olympics?

track field came from a black man