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it depends. throughbreds can run 69.2 km per hour, and the quarter horse can run 50 mph.

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How fast can buckskin and Paint mix horse run?

Buckskin is a color and not a true breed. So considering that many buckskin colored horses are Quarter horses, and most Paint horses descend from Quarter Horses that would mean the cross would run at the same speed as a purebred of either breed. Between 40-50 MPH.

How fast are mustang horses?

When Mustang horses walk its about 2 MPH. Also when Mustang horses run walk its about 15 MPH. And when a Mustang horse runs it's about 25-45 MPH.

Can a horse run 55 mph?

No, the fastest recorded speed for a horse is around 43.97 mph. While horses can run fast, they are not capable of reaching 55 mph.

Does a horses move fast or slow?

Fast."Some horses are not built to run fast an may only do a fast canter at their best; however, the gallop is about 30 mph. Thoroughbreds, which are bred for running distance but not speed, have been clocked at over 40 MPH. Quarter horses, bred and raced for short distances at speed, can reach 50 MPH in short bursts."

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no because horses might be born different and wont be able to run.

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The color of a horse in no way affects how fast it can run, nor does the gender of the horse. Most horses, regardless of color or gender can gallop at speeds of 20 to 30 MPH, while horses specifically bred to race can gallop at speeds of 35 to 45 MPH.

What is the speed of a mustang horse?

Mustangs can run just as fast as regular horses - about 60 kph or 40 mph.

How fast can a mustang run?

Mustangs are fairly fast horses, but they typically run about the same speed as other breeds of horse, so roughly 20 to 25 MPH (32-40 kph.)

How fast is an appaloosa?

The appaloosa breed cannot run fast as the thoroughbred wich can reach up to 40mph. so the appaloosa would run 20-30 mph

How fast can a stock horse run?

Most horses can gallop at speeds of 18 to 30 MPH, however if the breed was developed to race it can usually gallop at speeds of 30 to 50 MPH.

How fast do nyalas run?

they run really fast. In fact they run 50 MPH!

How fast do wild horses run?

Horses can run pretty fast. They can go up to 45-55 mph if they really go at. In fact, the fastest Quarter Horse ever was clocked at 57 mph. - this girl has all the answers ;) just webmail her