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what you have to understand is that there are many different factors that come into play with this question. it completely depends on the amount of pounds of torque that the engine displaces. so there is no set speed.

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Q: How fast could a 20hp golf cart go?
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Which is safer a golf cart or dirt bike?

A golf cart is one billion times safer because it does not go as fast and it is much heavier. Also, one little mistake on a golf cart won't kill you, but on a motorcycle it will.

How could one maintain a golf cart enclosure?

One could maintain a golf cart enclosure by spraying just with water to remove any loose dust and dirt. Thereafter, wipe the golf cart's enclosures with a dishwashing soap soaked cloth and spray the entire golf cart with water at least four times to flush off any soap-mixture, dust and dirt.

What is a golf cart input shaft?

Golf Cart Input Shafts are like parts of the golf cart that's need to be overhauled.

Does a golf cart require seat belts?

yes they do if you are with bam magera well, actually there is no exact regulations states that golf cart should own seat belts. But nowadays, there are many golf cart accidents around the world, therefore, it is highly encouraged manufacturers to equipped seat belt on golf cart. And if your cart do not contain a cart, then you could asked him to present you one. It won't cost you much, but you will benefit a lot.

What is golf cart in french?

golf cart = Voiturette Trolley = chariot

Are Western golf carts made by E-Z GO?

Golf carts are a fast and easy way for golfers to get around the course without the inconvenience of walking while lugging their clubs along with them. The E-Z-Go golf cart can be purchased through Tropicars in Miami, Florida.

What is special about a golf cart?

you can drive a golf cart on the golf course so you don't need to walk :)

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what should the compression be on a 2007 ezgo golf cart

Is it legal to drive a golf cart in a golf cart community?

Why wouldn't It be legal? Yes

Where can a spare golf cart battery be bought?

Spare golf cart batteries can be bought from a number of specialist golf hardware providers both online and in a specialist golf store. You can also purchase them from specific golf cart dealers.

Does a pro golf bag fit on a golf cart?

yes it should do if you have a adult size cart

Could you make gas golf cart go faster?

put in a faster engine