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Q: How fast can the average person run in 1000 meter?
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How fast should an average boy run the 100 meter dash?

12-14 seconds

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5.33m/s on average

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as fast as ya mum

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Faster than the person in second place.

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About 15cm a year depending on the type of person

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5 mph over the limit

If you run a 200 meter race in 24.00 seconds how fast are you going in miles per hour?

On average you will be going around 18.75mph

Is 13.1 for 100 meter dash fast for a thirteen year old boy?

A little quicker than average, but not really "fast." With proper training and ability though, the athlete could develop into a very fast sprinter.

Approximately how fast are middle distance runners?

This is not even a legitimate question. Try being more specific like... 'How fast do elite males run 1600 meters?' or 'How fast is the average collegiate 800 meter runner?'

How fast can the average person go on a scooter?

around 110 km/h

Is growing 1 cm in height in 3 months slow average or fast?

When a person gown 1 cm in 3 month is not slow or fast growing. Grown 1 cm in 3 months is average for a person.

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more than 1