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Depends on the engineering skills of the builder, the risks the rider is willing to take, and how legal the bike has to be.

30 mph on the flat is within reach w/o going entirely crazy.

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13y ago

there's really no telling. Motorized bicycles are usually home built, so no standardized fuel consumption numbers are known. on top of that, the tank size can be anything.

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Q: How fast can motorized bicycles go?
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Are 60cc motorized bicycles legal in Oregon?


How effective are bicycles?

Because of congestion, bicycles are a popular means of travel in some localities. Within a city, for example, delivery persons find bicycles or motorized bicycles an efficient means of moving small packages.

How are mopeds used?

hi, Mopeds are motorized bicycles and used for transportation. Peace, crigby

How fast does ProForm Electron Motorized Scooter go?

sixty miles per hour.

How fast do scooters really scoot?

Most motorized scooters go anywhere from 30-50mph.

Where can you buy motorized bicycles?

Motorized bicylces can be bought in a few places. They can be bought at stores that specialize in bikes such as Motorized Bicycle Canada or Zoombicycles, as well as at regular stores like Walmart. They can also bought on ebay, kijiji and craigslist.

HOW FAST does a razor mx 650 go?

I would say that this motorized scooter goes approxamatly 25-30 mph.

Who invented Honda bikes?

Soichiro Honda, with a staff of 12 men, developed motorized bicycles back in 1946. They then developed motorcycles in 1949.

Have to have a license plate on a street bike in ca?

That depends upon what you are calling a "street bike". In California, non-motorized bicycles do not need a license plate. If it is a motorized bicycle, it does. Under California's DMV website, there is a page titled "Motorcycles, Mopeds and Scooters Defined". It explains that only motorized scooters do not require registration.

How fast does a 35 cc engin go?

it will go about 35MPH. It depends on if it is on a motorized bike or something else. on a motorized bike like i said it will go about 35 MPH but it also depends on the gearing on a friction drive bike it will go about 35 MPH. I saw a guy on youtube that had a 26cc motor and his went around 35.

What you is a brake cylinder?

That is an amzingly confused question. Brake cyliders can be found on bicycles with hydraulic brakes, mostly MTBs, but is more usually found on motorized vehicles.

How fast can a scooter go?

It depends-- if you're talking about the kind without the motor, that depends on the power of your leg. If you're talking about the motorized kind, they usually don't go over 20mph.