Florence Griffiths Joyner died in 1998. She ran the 100m in 10.49s in 1988.
A 6-minute mile is fast and long for an average American human being.
More than a mile a minute.
It depends on how fast the kid naturally runs. If they run really fast, it might be a 60 second half mile. If they run slow, it might be a 2-3 minute mile
It depends on the person. On one hand, a person has run a mile in 3minutes 43.13seconds . On the other hand, a lot of people can't run a mile at all.
a mile judges how fast a car or truck goes and a know judges how fast a plane or boat goes
A squirrel can run a mile in approx. 25 minutes
as fast as your going
they are fast they can swim up to a 1/2 mile a minute
fast for a high school girl is like 19 minutes
1000,000 per mile