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The record at Driscoll Middle School is 51.5 seconds and we get at least 4th place in every meet!

If a 7th grader ran 51.5 seconds for a 400, he would be at high school/college level. That is not a true account of a 7th grader's time. My son is an 8th grader and his fastest time is 58.9, which is pretty good.

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14y ago

It depends on whether or not the child has been working out and how far it has to travel. I know a young bodybuilder who can get up to the speed of 10 mph for around 80 meters but that's just because he is in good shape. Your average seven year old could probably get up to a max of 7 mph and not be able to hold it for more than 15 meters.

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12y ago

My 7 year old son just ran 21:37 for 5k. Not a flat course either,100ft of ascent in fact.

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