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About 210 or so. You may expect it to go as far as a 5 wood which has a similar loft, but the hybrid has a shorter shaft so won't go as far.

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Q: How far should a 3 hybrid club go?
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If you don't know this I suggest trying to hit some golfballs on the practice range using a Toyota Prius and see how far they go.

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Depends how fast you swing and what shaft you have in it, it could go anywhere between 190 and 220 yards.

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If this question is in reference to a hybrid golf club that is a hybrid of a 1 iron, then the answer is as follows. There is not a "general" distance any golf club should hit a ball.. The length of a golf shot is not only determined by the club, but by many other factors, such as swing path, the golf ball itself, wind speed and other weather conditions and most importantly club head speed. Let me give an example, my father who is 65+ hits a 5 iron about 150-160 yards. I am 23 years old and I hit a 5 iron between 200 and 230. Right there, you have almost a 100 yard difference between two people using the same club.... In trying to give an answer to this questions, a 1 hybrid golf club should be around or exceed 200 yards.. Again, this is really determined by your swing and the club head speed you generate. Hope that helps!

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