Originally, way back, (but not all the way back to ancient Greece), the modern
marathon started out as a 25-mile race. But once upon a time a marathon was
extended slightly in order to make the runners pass the palace so the king could
look out and see them through his window, and that slightly-extended distance
became the standard marathon distance . . . . . 26 miles 385 yards, or 26.21875 miles.
So the half-marathon is 13 miles 192.5 yards, or 13.109375 miles.
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21,097.5 metres (half the distance of a normal marathon).
Runners in the Chicago Marathon complete 26.2 miles. This is the standard marathon distance. They Chicago Marathon also offers a half marathon option which is 13.1 miles.
There are 26.2 miles in a full marathon, thus there are 13.1 miles in a half marathon. No odd calculations... a half marathon is a half marathon.
Yes, there is a half marathon. A half marathon is about 13.1 miles long, half the distance of a full marathon, 26.2 miles.
The 70.3 half Ironman is a triathlon not a marathon. It consist of an 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, and an 13.1 mile run.
Lille Half Marathon was created in 1986.
A half-marathon is 13.1 miles long.
36'ooo foot in half a marathon
Egmond Half Marathon was created in 1973.
Portugal Half Marathon was created in 2000.
Budapest Half Marathon was created in 1984.
Lisbon Half Marathon was created in 1991.