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Q: How far do you stop your car from train tracks?
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How far away are train tracks?

Maybe extremely far away. Maybe very close. You should consult the services of a train psychic, they can surely tell you the answer to "how far away are train tracks?"

What do you if your car stops on a railroad crossing?

If someone is with you put the car in neutral and push it off the tracks while watching for the approach of a train. If you see a train coming run as far away from the car as possible. If you see or hear no train you should be able to push it off the track unless you are by yourself. Never get into this situation by never stopping on the tracks.

How far should you stay back from train tracks?

when a train is going by, about 30ft i think

How far does a train hang over the railroad tracks?

13ft on each side

How far away should you position your vehicle from a train tracks?

Your vehicle should be 15 feet from a train track.

How was the mail carried to the far west before the rail road tracks?

by stagecoach or wagon train

When you stop for a train at a railroad crossing if your vehicle is the closest you must stop how far?

You must stop in front of the swing down gate, usually about 10 feet or so from the tracks. There should also be a white line which you must remain behind for your safety. If a gate is down, never never go around it ... you can't tell how fast the train is moving from the side angle.

How far back are you required to stop from railroad tracks?

Well you are required to stop 3 feet minimum of the tracks but im sure if the tracks are operational there will be gates that come up and down they are usually about 10 feet away

How far back should you stop at a railroad crossing if the gates are down?

Stop at the stop lines for the railroad tracks or if there aren't any there stop 15 - 20 feet away from the gates.

How far is iwakuni from hiroshima?

An hour by car, 40 mins by train.

How far away from the stop sign should a car stop at a stop sign?

5 feet

Why is galvanising not used for train tracks?

At first i thought it was because they would take far too long and the tracks would never be built. even though zinc is fairly cheap it would cost a fortune to o a track