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Q: How does your pulse rate after jogging compare with the resting position?
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Can jogging raise your pulse?

Jogging does raise your pulse rate and it raises it more that some other exercise too :)

What should your resting heart rate be at?

Your resting pulse is the rate of your pulse when you are resting (when your not doing exersice).

Your pulse rate is 139 resting How bad is this?

If that's your resting pulse, call a doctor ASAP.

Is 115 high for a pulse?

It is on the high side for a human resting pulse.

Is pulse rate of 166 normal?

That is not a normal resting pulse for humans.

What is your calculated resting pulse?

72 bpm

What is a person heart rate?

The usual resting pulse for an adult is 60 to 100 beats per minute. Certain illnesses can cause your pulse to change, so it is helpful to know what your resting pulse is when you are well.

What happens to a person's pulse rate if their heart muscle becomes stronger does the pulse become quicker?

No. The resting pulse becomes slower. (Note, the top pulse rate for everybody is about the same ... the "exercise tolerance" comes from how much you can increase from your resting rate.)

What is a persons average heart rate?

The usual resting pulse for an adult is 60 to 100 beats per minute. Certain illnesses can cause your pulse to change, so it is helpful to know what your resting pulse is when you are well.

What is Michael Phelps resting pulse rate?


What is the normal resting pulse of an obese adult?


What is the Normal pulse for an adult?

The normal pulse rate for an adult is 60 to 100 beats per minute. In general, people that are physically fit have lower resting pulse rates, while people that are less physically fit tend to have a bit higher resting pulse rates.