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Loco parentis is when someone is responsible for a child either because their biological parents are temporarily ill, on holiday or just at home while the child is at school or a sporting event. This brings me on to how does loco parentis affect sport? Well, if a person is under the age of 18 they are classed as a child and therefore must be in sight of a person over 18 years of age. This person will then be their loco parentis. In sport such as Rugby the athletes up until the youth team are under 18 and so should require an adult at all times, someone who is responsible for them if they had an injury or were upset.

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By being busy the imformative cousin is then sent ot the moon while i play with my duck and the loco is then sent to ocol so theat my speakers raise the roof and then i go the the sun and burn and melt then meet David Beckham so that i am influenced in sport and win the world cup 4 times.

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"In loco parentis" is a Latin term that means "in the place of a parent." It refers to a legal doctrine where an individual or institution assumes the responsibilities and duties of a parent in the absence of the child's biological parents.

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