They are one in the same. Drag on the ball is created by the friction generated by the ball passing through the air. Whereby the more friction there is on the ball, the shorter it will travel. It can also change the trajectory of the ball depending on what direction the wind is blowing. If it is coming from behind it can lessen the effect of drag, but gravity and drag will always win out.
Air drag is the forces that are in opposition to the relative motion of an amount through the air.
When a ball is thrown into the air, it encounters drag. Drag is the opposing force acting in the opposite direction of the ball. Drag slows down the ball's speed.
Drag and friction has a curving effect on a golf ball. The ball may make a curved trajectory as it flies through the air, mostly taking the direction of the wind.
the more surface area, the more friction, the more the drag
Friction is the force resisting the movement of an object across a surface. For an airplane there is no friction when it is flying. Instead this is referred to as air resistance which produces drag forces. There are several forces acting on the airplane at one time: Thrust, Drag, Lift, and Gravity.
There are two types of drag experienced by a sphere. The first is the obvious drag due to friction. This only accounts for a small part of the drag experienced by a ball. The majority of the drag comes from the separation of the flow behind the ball and is known as pressure drag due to separation. For laminar flow past a sphere, the flow separates very early. The surface roughness caused the flow to transition from laminar to turbulent. The turbulent flow has more energy than the laminar flow and thus, the flow stays attached longer.
Friction between the ground and air molecules slows down the air at the surface, creating a drag force. This drag force can influence the direction and speed of wind patterns near the surface.
Friction in table tennis affects how the ball interacts with the paddle and the table surface. It determines the spin, speed, and direction of the ball. Players use friction to control the ball and execute different shots such as topspin, backspin, and sidespin.
There are 108 double stiches in an official baseball. They are carefully stiched in a pattern that goes from wide to narrow because this effects aerodynamics. When the air passes over the ball the stiches help produce a more streamlined effect which reduces the amount of drag on the ball-Drag is the reistance an object faces when it collides with air molecules, it is a type of friction which can slow down the ball.
The drag is caused by friction with the air or water.
There is 'skin friction' also know as drag. There is also lubricated friction.
Friction or drag