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if the tennis ball is stationary the energy in it is its gravitational energy given by the formula MGH=E where H is height in m M is mass of tennis ball in kg and G is 9.8 meters per second squared. if the ball is moving however the formula for energy from velocity is 1/2MV2=E ware M is mass in kg and V is velocity in meters per second

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โˆ™ 12y ago

kinetic energy

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Q: How does a tennis ball have energy?
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Why does the tennis ball bounce best on a tennis racquet?

A tennis ball, when impacted, dissipates about 45% of the energy applied to it. This means that it only absorbs and returns 55% of that energy. That is why in the test standard for tennis balls, dropping it from 100 inches, it only rebounds 53 to 58 inches. It is returning that much energy. The strings of the racket, however, return 90% of the energy they are impacted with. So, when the tennis ball hits the strings and they stretch (absorb the energy), they will return 90% of that force in the return of the ball. When a ball hits strings with a higher tension, the force is exerted on the ball, instead of the strings, and the energy return is closer to the 55% range.

How is kinetic energy in tennis?

In tennis, kinetic energy is generated when a player moves and hits the ball. The player's body and the racquet both contribute to the kinetic energy transferred to the ball upon impact. This energy is essential for powering shots and determining the speed and direction of the ball.

Why does a tennis ball bounce higher on harder surfaces?

A tennis ball bounces higher on harder surfaces because hard surfaces are less able to absorb the energy of the ball when it hits, resulting in more of the ball's energy being converted directly into upward motion. Softer surfaces absorb more of the energy, causing the ball to bounce lower.

What form of energy did the table tennis ball have when it was rolling?

Rolling (motion) is an example of Kinetic Energy.

Why does a tennis ball go far if you throw it?

When you throw the tennis ball, it flies for a distance before dropping down because when you throw the tennis ball, you use force, which is transferred to the tennis ball, which then converts to kinetic energy (movement energy), to allow the tennis ball to go far.

How is the law of conservation of energy obeyed when a tennis ball gets warm when bouncing?

When a tennis ball bounces, some of its kinetic energy is converted into heat due to friction with the surface it bounces on. This increase in thermal energy causes the ball to warm up. The law of conservation of energy is obeyed because the total energy (kinetic + thermal) of the system remains constant, even though the form of energy changes from kinetic to thermal.

Which ball can bounce the highest a basketballbaseballor a tennis ball?

a tennis ball

Why does a tennis ball bounce higher than a golf ball?

A tennis ball is larger and lighter than a golf ball, allowing it to store and release more kinetic energy upon impact with the ground. This results in a higher bounce compared to a denser and heavier golf ball that absorbs more of the impact energy.

What ball do you uses when you play tennis?

A tennis ball.

What ball is needed to play tennis?

A tennis ball.

Which ball bounces higher. golf ball hockey ball tennis ball or cricket ball?

Its a fat foot ball tennis ball my balls bounce the highest