The clock turns in a clockwise direction.She did a clockwise spin on the spot.
The competitors will run anti-clockwise around the track.
retrograde is when a solar system object rotates clockwise while almost all other objects rotate counter-clockwise. "Venus' motion is retrograde in relation to the Earth's"
anti clock wise if you want to unscrew the moon
You fit the jaws onto an appropriate nut or bolt and turn it - clockwise to tighten, anti-clockwise to loosen.
In imperative sentences the subject is always the understood "you."
An imperative sentence is one which gives instructions, orders, or a command. Examples: "Leave the cat alone." "Give me your pencil." "Turn the screwdriver clockwise."
Stand directly under the fan and observe the direction the blades are moving. If the fan blades are moving in a clockwise direction, the fan is set to winter mode (clockwise rotation). If they are moving counter-clockwise, it's set to summer mode (counter-clockwise rotation).
i do not know how to use embalming in a sentence. (there is the sentence)
Anti clockwise is used in the winter to bring heat down to the room. during the summer you would use the clockwise motion
So- you are asking when to use 'when' in a sentence. When you are asking how to use when in a question, you are already using when in a sentence, because a question actually is a sentence. I like to use when in a sentence whenever I like.
How do use evidenced in a sentence