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So far I have not discovered any method to completely stop a rip,and I get them about 2 times every week. The one thing I can tell you to do is put some Neosporin on a band-aid, preferably a special shaped fabric one, then put that on your rip. If you are planning to continue bars with the rip or even if it just needs something more to keep the band-aid then I suggest having a tape grip. if you don't know what it is your coach will probably know, but it is basically athletic tape wrapped around your hand to keep the band-aid in place. Hope this helped!

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It depends on why it's hurting/what the injury is. A few ideas are to rest it a little (either take some time off or not do anything at gymnastics that hurts it) and ice it. If it doesn't get better after a while, think about going to a doctor.

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