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Q: How do you set a field when bowling leg spin?
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What causes some bowling balls to slide and not roll down the lane?

the back spin you put on the ball, but how do you even ask a question on this site? i cant figure it out :/

What causes a magnetic field to be set up around a wire?

Passing an electric current through a wire will produce an external magnetic field. This is because the electrons have spin and this spin is what produces the field. Spinning electrons (of certain characteristics) also produce the magnetic field of permanent magnets. And no spinning electrons, no magnetic field.

Why is the lbw rule set in place in cricket?

To prevent the batsman to protect his wicket with his leg pads, forcing him to play at deliveries thereby allowing a chance for the bowling team to get him 'out'.

What is a bowling pin?

A bowling pin is one of the ten wooden objects that are set up and knocked down in the sport of bowling.

Were can you play bowling?

bowling is played at lots of diffrent places. you can play at a bowling alley or buy your own set and play outside.

How many bowling pins are set up for each frame and what shape are they set up in?

In the most common form of bowling in the US, ten pins are set up in a triangle.

In cricket who act as officials?

On the field there are two Umpires, one stands at the wicket (from where the bowler bowls) & the other is at square leg (Which is level with the batting crease on the leg side of the wicket) they count the balls in the over, hold clothing not needed by the bowler when he is bowling, making sure the ball is delivered correctly and officiate on run making & whether the batsman is or is not out. In doing this there are a set number of signals they make to the scorers: Fours, Sixes, Extras & so on.

How do you play bowling on the eyepet?

all you do is press start,go to magic toys and then go to bowling set YOURWELCOME!!!

Why the field current is less in generator?

The field current is used to create an electromagnet. The power out of a generator comes from the prime mover (the thing that is making the rotor spin), not the field current. The field current is necessary to set up an electric field to induce electric current onto the stator windings. The stronger the electromagnet, the harder it is for the prime mover to spin (similar to a high gear on a bicycle), causing more power to be needed to keep the prime mover turning.

What is a bowling setter?

There is a Pinsetter, which is the mechancal device used to set and pick up the pins. I've never head of a bowling setter, however.

How do you set up a bowling league schedule for 8 teams bowling 14 weeks?

Go to the closest bowling alley and ask a front desk person or a manager about linage costs for the league you want to set up. You and the manager can discuss the possible day that you would like to start this league and what works for the bowling alley as far as lane availability.

What do you do if your bird breaks its leg?

Take it to the vet so the leg can be set and properly bandaged.