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There are a few precautions to take:

1) First of all, you should not be running long distances if you did not gradually (over many weeks/months) increase the distance you are running. If you try to dramatically increase the distance you run in a short time period, your risk for injury of all types will go up - including calf injury.

2) you should be adequately stretched out before you run - in this case stretch your gastrocnemeus (calf) as well as your soleus (muscle under the calf). to stretch your soleus, bend your knee before leaning forward with your foot flat.

3) Do your long run on a surface that you are trained for. If you are used to running on the cinder grinds of a track, then try to run long distance on road pavement, you will be more likely to feel calf pain.

4) Be sure your running shoes are appropriate for your feet and your gait. Also be sure your running shoes are not too old. Old shoes lose shock absorbing ability.

5) Proper Biomechanics. This is very complex and beyond ability to convey in written form.

6) Be sure you have had sufficient rest prior to running long distance.

Good luck!

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