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With scissors or you could use an electronic drill. Others use a knife. Drills work the best.

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Q: How do you poke a hole in a tennis ball?
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How could you make a table tennis ball sink without pushing it down in the water?

Poke a hole in it with a pin (carefully) and allow it to become filled with water.

How small is a squirrel hole?

A squirrel hole typically measures around 2 to 4 inches in diameter, depending on the size of the squirrel species. These holes are used as entrances to their burrows, where they store food, seek shelter, and raise their young.

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when you first see giratina and it goes into the black hole go behind the hole and there is a poke-ball. click on it and you get giratinas orb!

What are tennis balls used for?

Tennis balls are sed to play the game of Tennis. Tennis is a game played on a rectangular court by two players or two pairs of players equipped with rackets, in which a ball is driven back and forth over a low net that divides the court in half. Jasmine :)

What would you do if you run out of compressed gas for your mini-thruster in space and you have a bag of baseballs?

Die a lonely death in space. If, OTOH, you had a bag of tennis balls, you could hold one in front of you, and poke a hole in it on the OPPOSITE side from where you wanted to go. The escaping air pressure in the tennis ball would move you. . . slowly, but surely.

Why does a ball leak air even when it has a tiny hole?

Because the pressure inside the ball is greater then outside the ball. When you poke even a small hole in a ball you connect the ball and the outer surroundings (air) into one system. That system them tries to get toward equilibrium where the pressure is the same in the ball and its surroundings.

why does a ball leaks air even when it has a tiny hole?

Because the pressure inside the ball is greater then outside the ball. When you poke even a small hole in a ball you connect the ball and the outer surroundings (air) into one system. That system them tries to get toward equilibrium where the pressure is the same in the ball and its surroundings.

What kinds of poke balls are there except the poke ball and master ball?

great ball

Which ball can bounce the highest a basketballbaseballor a tennis ball?

a tennis ball

Which ball bounces higher. golf ball hockey ball tennis ball or cricket ball?

Its a fat foot ball tennis ball my balls bounce the highest

What ball do you uses when you play tennis?

A tennis ball.

What ball is needed to play tennis?

A tennis ball.