average level
A stock's par value is the monetary amount assigned to the share of stock.
The basic meaning of par stock is the amount of stock a business or individual should keep on hand at all times. If your stock amount falls below this par, you should purchase more to keep it at that number.
Par is the value stated on the stock certificate as stated in the articles of incorporation and is many times $.01 or $1.00.
Par Level is the order pointThe 2nd definition of PAR from the Random House College Dictionary circa 1982 is the 'average or normal' amount. When considering maintaining a certail level of stock, the 'par level' is the amount you would need to have on hand to ensure that you would not run out while waiting for resupply. The 'par level' would also be the 'order point'. PAR Level is generally associated with a computer assisted ordering of some sort and stands for Periodic Automatic Replenishment.
minimum level of stock that should be in hand to support the house keeping operations twice a day,so as the operations run smoothly. by javeed parray ganderbal.
Issuing Par Value Common Stock for Cash (assume par value is $1) dr. Cash $1.00 cr. Common Stock $1.00 to record issuance of 1 share of $1 par common stock if sold for more than par value (Assuming $5) dr. Cash $5 cr. Common Stock $1 Paid-in Capital in excess of par $4 to record issuance of 1 share of common stock in excess of par.
concept of per stock in hotel industry
how is a par level determine
Par value stock