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Pronators toe out when they run. the lose the power of guadracepts and have to drag themselves with their calves. the also lose about an inch per stride depending on how bad the pronation. The fastest Pronator ever recorded was Scott Ruvolo 440 yard,400m,500m,300m.

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What 2 muscles pronate the hand?

Pronator quadratus and pronator teres perform pronation, brachioradialis aids initiation of the movement.

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If you want to know everything about running shoes with a pronator than I would suggest going to your local dicks or fitness store and ask about running shoes with a pronator.

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The pronator teres and pronator quadratus

What pronates the forearm?

The pronator teres and pronator quadratus muscles located in the forearm are responsible for pronation. These muscles work together to rotate the forearm so that the palm faces downwards or backwards.

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This is mostly achieved by the Pronator Teres and hte Pronator Qudratus muscles.

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Supinator. Also, as pronator teres also contributes to flexion of the elbow, that action is antagonized by the triceps.

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The Pronator Teres muscle pronates the forearm at the radioulnar joint. It also provides flexion of the forearm at the elbow joint

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The antagonist for the supinator muscle is the pronator teres muscle. These muscles work in opposition to each other to produce rotation of the forearm.