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Depending on what kind of match you're playing, you pick how many games are in a set. A pro set is 8 games. People that play on TV in the US Open or something don't play that kind, though. They just play to 6 games. When you play 6 games, that's a set. However, you have to win by two games. So if the score is 5-6, someone has to score another point. If the person with 5 scores, it's tied 6-6, and they go into tiebreak. That means the opponents have to play to 7 in the match. But, just like the other rules, you must win by two. So you MUST play to 7 in tiebreaks and you MUST win by two.

Sorry for the long explanation :P

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You can go to Tennis coaching class.. Or if you want to know about tennis go to wikipedia. there you can find about Tennis.

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A tennis set does not end until one player has won six games.

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donut in tennis means u have a score of 0 in a set this is reffered to as a donut

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I believe it is called a tennis match.

How long does a tennis set last?

A normal tennis set is first to 6 games. Each game is 4 points. A tennis set can last anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours or even more depending on how close the set ends up being.

Where can one purchase tennis practice equipment?

One might buy a tennis set from Amazon. One can buy twelve tennis balls for $16.49. They also have table tennis sets for $18 and $24, as well as a tether tennis set for $34. Sportcraft has a tennis set including the net for $33

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there should not be a tie in tennis. If you are playing a six game set and get to 6-6, or an eight game set and get to 8-8, then you go to a tiebreaker

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What is a super set in tennis?

A standard Tennis Set as we know is a race to 6 games played to a 2-game advantage or more typically a tie-break. The ITF rulebook includes no alternative set-scoring method other than the "short set" to 4 in Appendix IV. However, extended sets have been used for many tournaments, some with a race to 8 and some a race to 9. Typically any set prescribed beyond 6 games is a superset used in lieu of playing multiple sets to win matches. The 8-game pro-set is commonly used in many US amateur leagues, high school tennis and college doubles tennis tourneys.The World Team Tennis event plays a race-to-9-games.Both race-to-8 and race-to-9 are commonly used supersets.