Who ever has the highest score after all 10 frames is the winner .
When I had a game of bowling, I earned three strikes and won a prize!
when you have the lower score
How do you know if the all whites have won if you do not watch the game?
DePaul beat Bowling Green.
Bowling for Columbine won the Oscar for Documentary - Feature - in 2002.
Heres Who Won Game 1 - Marrons. Aka Queensland Game 2 - Marrons . Aka Queensland Game 3 - Blues. aka New South Wales that's all i know (:
jason belmonite
Both are correct.It's a matter of context, however both could be used interchangeably.For example:"How many players are on a bowling team?""My friend Aaron and I were on the same bowling team.""At my previous high school I bowled on a team that won the league.""I bowled on a team that won all the league awards."To help stress you may not be the only one, examples could be:"In bowling class, we bowled in teams of three.""There were five people bowling in each team.""Do you prefer bowling in a team of four or five?"
with good performance in bowling sector
gary ellis