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bend your knees, and jump off the ground as high as you can

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Q: How do you jump super high in real life?
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How do you do a super high jump on real life?

all i know is to bend your knees and jump as high as you can or as stron as you can

Can Hedgehog jump?

Not in real life, but they can climb.

How do you triple jump in real life?

hoo, yah!, wahoo!

What is a super power in Answers com?

The same thing as a super power in real life.....

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"Super powers" is something that appears in fantasy stories, not in real life.

From which country did the high jump originate?

It is believed that the high jump was performed in the ancient Olympics, but the first recorded high jump event was in Scotland in the 19th century. Click on the 'History of the High Jump' link on this page to read more about the high jump and its history. Answer: The real history of the High Jump started in 1968. Its is called the Fosbury Flop, and it came from American, Dick Fosbury. Clicking on the "The Fosbury Flop" link below will tell you more.

Why can't we be super saiyans?

Because Super Saiyans aren't real in real life only in the anime plus its physically impossible for a human in real life anyway

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In the show it's not real, but in real life it's super real and you could break your neck.

Are there real life super heroes?

no there are not real life super heroes, but there are super heroes like policeman, fire-fighters, and more. super heroes like dardevil, batman, night-wing and ones that don't have powers can be super heroes, but they won't be strong like the ones in comics and movies.

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only if you get real hyper and jump out a window

Does the green lantern have super strength?

It can use the "super" ring to to turn imagination into real life stuff

How do you beat the second boss on wii super monkey ball?

You have to jump on the missiles he fires at you. It makes them turn around and hit him.