There is no quick fix, you will need to develop a good swing with strong technical aspects and practice practice practice!
To get the ball into the air with a driver, you may need to change your club, I would suggest getting a 10.5 driver with a regular shaft, this is an ideal beginners club.
If you can't get your irons into the air, you need to hit down on the ball, let the clubhead do the work. If you watch the pros play, the compress the ball very well and let the clubhead do the work, this creates a lot of spin and therefore height.
the golf ball stopped but the bowling ball keep rolling due to their different size and we know bowling ball is bigger in size as well as weight so it will face more fictin force and stops early as compare to golf ball when they collide and at the same time bowling ball poshes the golf ball the golf ball stops and the golf ball keeps rolling.
Yes and no. Players can do remarkable things with a golf ball now, but they hit it so far that golf courses have to keep adjusting.
No, you can not do this. You would incur a two shot penalty.
Concentrate on a steady base and drive through the ball after contact instead of falling back.
Most golf GPS systems can pick up the full size of a golf course. There ar golf GPS systems that have the ability to automatically pick up any golf course that you are on as well as keep track of your score and calculate how far a golf ball will go when hit.
hacky sack
Play the ball off your back foot, feet close together, slightly lean onto your left side and keep your hands in front of the ball.
All you have to do Is keep throwing the golf ball at his face then when he turned around u throw it to his mouth !
A Baseball player hitting foul after foul is done more so to stay alive (not strike out) then to work the pitcher ... You have to keep in mind that the batter him self is using up energy to hit the ball foul ... The batter would rather get a hit then repetitively hitting the ball foul ...
A soccer ball falls more slowly than a golf ball because its larger size and greater air resistance compared to a smaller, denser golf ball. The increased surface area of the soccer ball creates more drag force, which counteracts the gravitational force pulling it downward, causing it to fall at a slower rate.
The aim of the game is to keep hitting the ball over the net and trying to win. It's pretty fun tennis but you can always just play it for fun or to keep fit.
The ball used in paddle ball is typically made of rubber or plastic and is attached to the paddle by a string. It is designed to bounce off the paddle when hit, allowing players to keep the ball in play by continuously hitting it back and forth. It is lightweight and durable to withstand repeated impacts.