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Use a driver, cock your wrists more as you swing through the ball to get more leverage, hit the ball on the sweet spot of the driver with swing speeds over 100 miles per hour. if all that is done you have a good chance.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

The secret is, hit down on the ball, let the club do the work. Irons have been given enough loft to do the just they were designed to do. You will want to compress the ball into the ground, which will then give it the spin it needs to rise. Sound swing fundamentals will help you hit the ball better.

The don't are, don't swing to fast at the ball, a slower tuned swing will help you find the center of the club face easier you that is what the game is about. Don't try and help the ball into the air, let the club do the work, some people have major struggles when the scoop the ball instead of hitting it.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Practice. Line yourself up properly, have your shoulders parallel to your feet. Have a square club face at impact.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The easiest thing is to hit the ball out of the centre of the club.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

If you are 100 yards out or to the hole, the best shot is a Pitch Shot with a Pitching Wedge or even a 9 iron. If you don't hit far; take a full swing using your Pitching Wedge.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

You can use a pitching wedge or a sand wedge and hit just behind the ball while playing it off of your back foot should hit the Golf ball significantly high.

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Q: How do you hit a golf ball from the fairway?
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What happens if you hit a golf ball off the fairway?

Hitting a golf ball off the fairway results in it coming to rest in a less than desirable place. It could end up in a sand trap, a creek, or in the rough which is the higher cut grass adjacent to the fairway.

Which element can you hit a golf ball with?

You can hit a golf ball with a golf club.

What happen when the golf ball is embedded in its own pitch mark in the fairway?

When this happen, There is no relief from a ball embedded in a bunker.

How do you know who's turn it is in golf?

You don't really. At least, not when you tee off. Once you are in the fairway, whoever is farthest from the hole, or green, usually is next. Let's say you are playing golf and are playing against one other person. You both tee off, in no predetermined order, and arrive at the fairway. If your opponent out drove you, hit his/her golf ball farther than yours, then it is your turn next. After you hit, it will be your opponent's turn to hit. You keep alternating like this (or if your opponent's ball didn't go farther than your ball any of the times he/she hit, he/she still gets to hit until the go past your ball) until you each sink the ball into the cup.

Can two golf balls be hit off the fairway at the same time?

No, only one player is supposed to hit at a time.

Another name for a golf ball prop?

If you mean the small peg you stand your ball on before you wack it down the fairway, it's called a tee.

In golf When do you use a three club?

You can them as tee clubs, or from the fairway and some people even use them for chipping from around the green.

Can you hit a tee from under the golf ball?

yes. it is possible to hit the tee with out moving the golf ball it just depends on how you hit it

Would a golf ball explode if hit with a hammer?

No the golf ball was designed to be hit hard. Why would a hammer produce a result different than being hit by a golf club?

In golf if you hit OB how far can you move your ball away from the hole?

Out of bounds is the strictest rule in golf, and often the harshest. You have to replay the ball from the exact same place you just played that shot from. So if you are on the tee and hit one out of bounds, you tee it up again and you are now playing your third shot off the tee (This includes the one shot penalty). If you are in the fairway and hit it out of bounds, you replay it from as close as possible to where the original was hit from.

What is the truth about golf according to AJ Golf?

hit the ball

How is a golf ball used in golf?

you hit it with a golf club on the ground or on a peg