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I have two things to pass down to you from personal experience: 1) it helps if you get the child around other children who ride bikes, even if they are slightly older than he/she. 2) get a bike yourself and ride in front of the child or just play like your gonna ride his/her bike. Most of the time either one of those two will work, unless the kid is traumitized from a past experience! i hope i helped:)

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16y ago
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13y ago

Get the kid a run bike, one of those that don't have any pedals. Encourage the kid torun along while straddling the bike. Once the kid is showing the ability to pick his/her feet up and coast for a few yards they are ready for a pedal bike and will usually make the transition real easy.

Do note that even if a kid can learn to ride at quite a young age, they will nowhere near be mature enough to ride in traffic. Someone that young should only be allowed to ride well away from traffic, and under adult supervision.

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14y ago

Pretty much the same way most kids are taught. Get them on the bike, have them pedal forward while running alongside helping them balance.

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16y ago

One year old. 3 or 4 years old.

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I believe it"# little Billy, my 7year old neighbor. Man can that kid ride.

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