definitely do not do this yourself, you need to take the ball to a pro-shop where a qualified professional can measure your hand and fingers to make sure that the proper amount is drilled out.
There Are 3 holes in a ten-pin bowling ball.
Traditionally, there is usually on one hole in a ten pin bowling pin at the bottom of the base.
There is usually 3 holes in a Ten Pin Bowling Ball. 1 large hole for your thumb and 2 smaller holes for your middle and ring finger. Some bowlers may have different numbers of holes based on their bowling style.
The standard is two finger holes and one thumb hole. Sometimes a third finger hole is drilled to assist with those with hand injuries.
In the pins, there are none. In the ball, there are 3.
for 10 pin, 12
That would depend on the weight of the bowling balls. If they were 10 pounds each, that would be 700 pounds total.
3. two fingers, one thumb *unless ball has a balance, or weight hole to make the ball USBC legal.
Zero, the ball is smaller than normal bowling balls and it fits into your hand so you don't need finger holes in order to roll it.
Obviously the ten pin bowling