You have to be a fairly good jumper. Jump and when you're at your highest, lean back. Pretend you're doing a front flip but just looking the wrong way. If done correctly, you should be able to backflip.
DANGER: IT'S BEST TO FIRST ATTEMPT A BACKFLIP ON A SOFT SURFACE (TRAMPOLINE, BOUNCY CASTLE, ETC.)OK first stand up straight with your arms straight out in front of you, bend your knees like you're sitting in a chair and start leaning back. until you're about to fall spring back (not up) and swing your arms over your head onto your hands. bring you legs over when your on your hands onto the ground and stand tall.
If you are scared then you can practice backdrops on the trampoline etc.
Okay. Forget that last answer. Do you'r BHS and just flip lol
I got mine on my bed about 2 years ago.. I started at the end away from the wall repeating "I KNOW I can do this" to myself. (I don't have a trampoline, and I had also been in gymnastics for 7 years, and Cheerleading for 6. So, I've been trained, I just never got it. The first couple of times, I arched my back and fell, but I just kept trying. I did like a jump thing to get more power before, but then I took more lessons and realized it didn't help anything. But I would just always practice it, and then i went to the floor. (CARPETED) I put billions of pillows and blankets, and took more away each time. Just keep practicing, really. *My back handspring looked like shittt before i cleaned it up, but it's still high from the jump thing. This also REALLY messed up my neck, so be careful.
basically its about powering through your legs and rotating super fast. make sure you set high enough and pull your knees us fast almost in one motion. and instead of pulling your legs out from a single tuck like you usually would make sure you stak balled up and keep rotating. be safe and have fun
You must be very advanced to try and execute this move. I suggest not trying it all unless you can already execute a single cork 360. In case you don't know cork refers to a corkscrew and means bringing your head below the board during the spin. My first attempt at a single cork 360 I wrecked hard and had a concussion and a dislocated shoulder. AGAIN DO NOT ATTEMPT UNLESS VERY ADVANCED! This is a move done by professionals! First you need a jump big enough to complete a 540 or 720 easily as you need to do at least 1.5 spins to do a double cork. Backside refers to your back facing downhill during the first 180 rotation. You must leave the jump with a ollie off of your toe side edge and spin clockwise if you ride regular (counter clockwise for goofy riders). When leaving the jump you must spin using your shoulders, core, and legs to get a fast tight spin. Then while spinning bring your head under your board twice during the rotations. This is accomplished by knowing how to rotate once you are airborne. Grabbing the board helps because it keeps you in a tight spin and lets you easily maneuver underneath it for the cork, the grab also helps you keep stability on large jumps. Again please do not attempt and wear a helmet at all times while riding.
Some of the top elite trampolinists can do quad-back somis. It wouldn't be possible without a trampoline and not many people can do it with one. The basic technique is the same as for a standard tuck-back somersault but it requires greater height, more hip push, and going into a very tight (probably cowboy) tuck more quickly and holding it longer.
Yes if you just set your mind to do it. Try going to Cirque De Soule
Yes chikens can do a backflip
"how do you do a backflip in the game pure?"
Most quantities can quadruple.
Backflip Studios's population is 25.
Motorola Backflip was created in 2010.
Aston is the one that does a backflip in JLS and Marvin does cartweels
Quadruple means four-fold, or four times. I now have quadruple the money that I started with.
That is the correct spelling of the word "quadruple".
Motorola backflip definitely
The first backflip was done in 2000 by Carey hart.
Quadruple means 4 times