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Before attempting a back walkover, a student must be able to support her body weight on her arms in a handstand. Next the student must practice a backbend or bridge, pushing up from the floor with the arms and legs straight and the body arched with the feet and hands as close together as possible. Many children attempt this on their lawns along with cartwheels and round-offs as part of natural child-play.

Next, the build the necessary shoulder and back flexibility, the student places her feet on a raised surface while in a bridge position. The higher the surface the easier the next step will be. By stretching the shoulders over the hands and kicking one leg up and over while pushing from the other leg, performing what is known as a kickover. This skill needs to be practiced daily to build up enough strength and flexibility in the back and shoulders. (Believe it or not, the shoulders actually need to arch more than most people realize in order for the gymnast to kick over to their feet.)

The next step should be learned and practiced while still practicing eac of the previous steps. (The shoulders and arms must be strong and the body flexible to safely perform a walkover.) From standing, and with a spot to support the body, the student stands with the arms overhead and the feet about a shoulder width apart. At the same time the arms are reaching back, the hips must extend forward keeping the body weight balanced over the toes as long as possible. Slowly the student arched the hips forward while reaching back and to finish in a bridge or backbend position.

When the student can perform each of the previous steps, especially a backbend from a standing position, the next step is the start with one leg raised off the ground and execute a backbend while pushing the hips forward over the toes, once the hands reach the ground (preferabl a soft mat) she lifts the free leg in the direction of the backbend while stretching the shoulders iand pushing the hips open using the other leg, and in the same way as the backbend kickover drill. As the legs pass through a handstand position they remain apart (similar to a cartwheel) and the gymnast steps down on the leg that initiated the kick and steps backwards with the rear leg into a lunge position with the arms up.

In competition a gymnast is scored on how straight the legs and arms are kept throughout the walkover and how well she points her toes. A gymnast is expected to show a full split as the body passes through the handstand phase and steps down into the lunge position.

Maintaining good balance is the best way to make sure the gymnast doesn't take any unnecessary steps (on the hands or feet). The closer the body resembles a capital "T" during the handstand in a walkover the better the scores will reflect that level of skill.

There are many variations of this skill and combinations with other skills. Women use the walkover as a basic to intermediate Jr. Olympic skill while men usually use back walkovers as a training tool to increase their flexibility, balance and awareness.

Rhythmic Gymnasts, Cheerleaders and athletes such as Aerobics athletes use the walkover during the routines to demonstrate superior strength, balance and coordination.

It is also just a lot of fun to do once you can do it safely.


Or an easier way to explain this even though all this is very helpful. You need to make sure you are stretched enough so you dont accidentally hurt your self. So you will need t stretch. After stretches you will be standing by now I hope. Arch your back very carefully all the way back as far as you can go until your hands are touching the ground. your hands and feet should be on the ground now and it should look like you are in well a bridge. You should practice this a few times so you dont hurt your self. After this position dont move your feet after you land in the bridge. you might need to kick your leg up a couple of time so you know you have enough strength. Soon you should be able to just kick over and you will have a back walk over.

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13y ago
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6y ago

First you go into a backbend then you lift one leg up then push off with the leg on the floor. Next you split in the air, rotate your shoulders and BAM! You're done with the backbend kickover!

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14y ago

As far as Taekwondo terminology is concerned a "back blow kick" is not an official name of any technique. It sounds like it might be a nickname, or individual instructor's jargon for a "back kick" (Dwi Chagi) which is also called a "mule kick."

This kick strikes an opponent who is standing or approaching from behind you. The kicking leg is chambered by bringing the knee straight up tight to the abdomen with the heel near the buttocks, and close to the supporting leg's thigh without touching. The leg is thrust straight back with the foot and toes retracted and pointing to the ground (heel on top). The hips remain parallel to the target with the back toward the attacker, while looking at the target over the same shoulder as the kicking leg.

The knee is rapidly, fully extended using muscle control (to avoid hyper-extension) as the hip socket rotates the upper leg in a pendulum fashion so the knee follows a path pointing straight to the ground rather than flaring out to the side. The bottom of the heel is used to strike such targets as the opponent's knee, groin, abdomen, or solar plexus. With a slight tilt of the body leaning forward (away from the attacker) the leg will have a more unrestricted flow to a slightly higher target such as the solar plexus.

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14y ago

When you are in the back bend position put the weight on your hands then kick up your foot when you do this make your head bend back and it will flip you right over if you don't

get it the first time try again because it takes time and practice

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12y ago

First I would start off by stretching your wrists, shoulders and back.

Fall back into your bridge position or push yourself up into a bridge on the floor.

Try rocking back and forth while you are in your bridge position.

When you feel comfortable doing this try by doing a strong kick off the ground with the leg that you are most comfortable with and lift your opposite leg up and push all of your weight onto your shoulder's. (When you are doing this it is normal to do a split in mid air.)

Then you put your legs in front of your head and then stand up with your hands up in the air.

practice makes perfect.

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15y ago

To do a back kick over, you need to be in a bridge position You can either back bend down or do a bride right from the floor. Then, you need to pick which leg you kick with(whatever leg you cartwheel with is usually the one you would use for a kick over). Next, rock your shoulders very far back and with the kicking leg lift that up and jump with the foot still on the have to do all these things at once so you can get it. it takes a lot of practice just remember be careful and stretch.

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12y ago

To do a backbend, put your arms over your head and as you bend back, push your hips over your heels so you don't fall backwards. When your hands reach the ground, lean over your shoulders and push back onto your legs so there is barely any weight on your hands. Then, lift one leg up leaving your stronger leg on the ground (the leg you would start a cartwheel or handstand with). You're going to push off of that leg and lift your hips over your head until all your weight is on your hands. Then just lower your legs one at a time onto the ground the same way you would get up from a handstand.

Note: This process is done pretty fast for the momentum. If you are uncomfortable going into a back bend, have someone spot you or practice on a hill. If you want to get your kick over first, go into a back bend from lying down and pushing up.

I hope this helps. Good luck!!

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12y ago

First, you need to know how to do a backbend. They are usually easy to learn on the floor. the kickover part is easier to learn on an incline mat first. once you are in your backbend, take a leg (I use my right leg) and kick over as hard as you can behind your head. at the same time, you need to push really hard with your shoulders to get the power to get the rest of your body over.

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