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It's quite simple actually. You want to have your dominant hand behind the ball with your other hand on top. You swing the ball back and make sure to keep your dominant hand behind the ball until you follow through. Your follow through should have your palm facing your ear at the top of the follow through. Also I recommend practicing. Practicing makes perfect in this situation. Good luck!

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Q: How do you curve with two hands in bowling?
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What is the property that keeps a bowling ball go straight?

Bad form. A skilfully thrown bowling ball travels on a curve.

What bowling shot does not curve?

The straight ball.

What are the safety rules for bowling?

Use two hands when picking up the bowling ball from the return rack. Watch out for another ball being returned when picking up your ball.

In which sport can you throw a curve ball?

Baseball is the only sport to have a technique officially called a 'curve ball'. However, the various forms of bowling, including bowls (aka lawn bowling) also sometimes refer to the hooking of the ball after its release as a curve.

Where should you stand on your second attempt at a turn in bowling?

Its relative to your style of bowling, speed, curve and the pins left on the lane for your second throw.

What are 4 basic shots in bowling?

back up ball, hook ball, curve ball,

What will happen to a bowling ball if the bowling lane offers no friction?

If the bowling lane offers no friction, the bowling ball will continue in a straight line from when it was released, with no rotation or curve. It will not slow down or change direction until it hits the pins or another obstacle.

Is it important static friction on a bowling ball?

Yes, if you want to curve the ball before it hits the pins.

What are the four basic shot in bowling?

Straght ball,hook ball, curve ball, backup ball.

What are four. basic shots in bowling?

Straght ball,hook ball, curve ball, backup ball.

What is an example for friction using bowling balls?

Two come to mind, the ball slows down as it goes further down the alley. as the ball spins, the friction generated causes the ball to curve.

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