by either playing an extra hole, an extra 18 holes, or have a chipping/putting contest
There are 14 chapters in the book "Ties That Bind, Ties That Break" by Lensey Namioka.
he is mean
James Chew
its historical fiction
It's a "Young Adult, Historical Fiction".
Break cues in pool are typically 58 inches long. The bridge hand and the stroke determines what is needed for length of a pool cue whether it is for the break or for regular play. Most players use a break cue of the same length as the play cue.
Breaking the rules of golf either result in a one or two shot penalty or disqualification in stroke play and a loss of hole in match play.
The Vice President
1958 was the first year it was a stroke play event.
all determined people, including women can change their own destiny. this is the theme
Knights templar