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It's actually really simple. Most people try to outhit a pusher or work a pusher around the court. It doesn't work. If you try to work a pusher around the court it doesn't work because a pusher hit a lob and have a lot of time to recover and will get your shot. If you try to outhit a pusher it will be really hard. It's hard to hit a winner off a pusher because they are so used to getting the ball back. The number one thing to remember is that a pusher cannot hurt you. What you have to do is get a pusher out of their comfort zone. You can do a couple of things. Here is a list of strategies to beat a pusher. Do not try to hit a shot that you don't want to hit. You have plenty of shots to pick from so wait for the shot you are comfortable hitting.

  • Push it right back. If you can outlast a pusher the first couple points, they might try to play differently or it might adversely affect them. Pushers are used to winning and a pusher is not invulnerable to their own techniques. This doesn't always work. If it doesn't do not keep trying. It will take hours to finish a set. Remember, you aren't John Isner and you aren't playing Nicholas Mahut in a 5th set of Wimbledon. There are easier, more fun, and faster ways to beat a pusher, so read on.
  • On the return of serve try to just get it back because a pusher cannot hurt you. There are probably easier balls to tee off on than a pusher's serve.
  • Hit a short, low slice that forces the pusher to come into the net. A pusher doesn't have an approach shot. After the pusher gives you a weak approach the pusher will either: try to get back or stay at the net. If the pusher tries to go back hit a simple rally ball right at them. The pusher will end up hitting a shot at their feet and either miss it or give you an easy shot to hit a winner off of. If you hit a good shot at the pusher in this situation come to the net. This will take time away from he/she and you can easily hit a winner because it will not be a tough volley. Remember on these balls that you have to be aggressive on these shots because eventually you have to out hit a pusher and hit winners because they will not hit many or any errors and by definition will not beat themselves. This is one of the highest percentage ways to hit winners. If the pusher stays at the net pass him/her or lob. A pusher will be way out of their comfort zone at the net.
  • Try to hit the ball so the pusher has to hit it higher then normal. It is harder for a pusher to hit a lob or his/her rally ball above his/her head. The best way to do this is to use topspin.
  • If you know how to hit a kick serve, mix it up. If the pusher has to guess as to which serve your hitting, this will help out with the next strategy.
  • The final way to beat a pusher is to serve and volley. A pusher will have trouble returning your serve, and will not be able to pass you. If they lob you, be ready. Stand on the service line to protect the lob. Remember that they cannot hurt you. This works best if you have a big serve.
  • Stay positive. A huge way pushers win is through psychology and do not let them see your angry. It will be fairly easy to read a pusher because they are not used to being down or losing.
  • Finally, pushers are not 1 player. There are many variants of pushers. Some pushers may not be used to winning and may be mentally tough. They may not hit lobs, they maybe just are very, very, very, very consistent with their shots. A pusher's serve might be an underhand lob that barley gets over the net, so adjust to the pusher you are playing accordingly. The more you play pushers and use the tactics listed, you will learn how to recognize what tactics will work best for you or the type of pusher you are playing. Stay patient and you will finally be able to beat: the pusher.
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