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Q: How do gymnasts keep their bodies like children?
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What are the two meanings of vault?

there is a vault in gymnastics which gymnasts jump over and you can have a vault - which is like a safe, where u keep money/goods etc.

Did Georgia O'keffe like children?

Georgia did not like children but the reason she did not like children is unknown

What is the benefit of a gymnastic?

Well, Gymnastics has pros and cons, but some of the pros are as follows:Teaches children self disciplineGives children self confidenceBuilds strengthIf you get to a higher level like Level10 you can get scholarships. Some gymnasts get full ride scholarships.

Does Alicia Sacramone like Shawn Johnson?

All of the gymnasts are good friends.

Why do gymnasts need body composition?

cause if there a fattie like burger they are terrible

Appropriate activities wich can encourage children to become aware of their bodies?

Try different sports and exercises to find what suits that person. If they don like football maybe they like riding horses. To be able to do those things you have to eat regularly and keep in shape.

What is the chalk-like substance that gymnasts apply to their hands called?

The chalk-like substance is, in fact, chalk.

How do bodies sometimes act like a thermostat?

Our bodies have an internal "thermostat" that keeps our temperature stable so that our family can process nutrients and keep us alive.

How do gymnasts get thighs?

You have to excercise. It helps if you do excercises like squats. You should also tumble.

Why do gymnasts become anorexic?

Because of the amount of pressure they are under to be the very best and sometimes when they get to competitions they see the best gymnasts who are maybe smaller in size so they want to look like that gymnast

What where the children in the Holocaust treated like?

they had to work to keep their parents up

Why are rhythmic gymnasts so skinny?

Many international rhythmic gymnasts are on very, verystrict diets. Another reason is like artistic gymnasts they train very hard from a young age which affects puberty and developement of the body. Artistic gymnasts build more solid muscle that gives them a little bit of bulk, while rhythmic gymnasts focus mostly on stretching and dance, so they don't have as much of the muscle mass that an artistic gymnast who trains for high impact skills would have or need. The ideal body for rhythmic gymnastics is slender and a little more long than for artistic gymnastics.The reason why people think rhythmic gymnasts are all skinny is because that is all we see. Tiny twig athletes usually make the best rhythmic gymnasts, but not all are.