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Bounce is the angle from the leading edge of the club face across the bottom of the club. If you have 7 degrees of bounce, the bottom part (part that rests on the ground) of the club will angle down toward the ground at 7 degrees. This is designed to keep the leading edge of the club from digging into the ground or sand as clubface strikes the ball. If you play where there is soft, deep sand you generally want more bounce. If the ground is hard and the sand soft, you may be well advised to use a sand wedge with lots of bounce (7-10 degrees) and a wedge from the ground with little bounce. Hit em straight and seldom--

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Q: How do different degrees of bounce in a wedge work in varying conditions on the course?
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A series of images showing a ball being dropped from different heights at varying temperatures, with the resulting bounce height measured. A side-by-side comparison of a ball bouncing on surfaces at different temperatures to visually demonstrate the effect of temperature on the bounce. Infographic illustrating the relationship between temperature and bounce height of a ball, with temperature as the x-axis and bounce height as the y-axis.

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A ball will bounce multiple times when it is high in the air, typically until it loses enough energy from each bounce to come to a stop. The number of bounces can vary depending on factors like the initial height, surface it bounces on, and its elasticity.

Why do balls bounce differently on different surfaces?

Balls bounce differently on different surfaces due to differences in elasticity, surface texture, and friction. Softer surfaces absorb more of the ball's energy, resulting in a lower bounce. Smoother surfaces allow for a more predictable bounce, while rough surfaces can cause the ball to bounce in unpredictable directions.

Why do balls bounce to different heights?

Balls bounce to different heights because of the material they are made of, their elasticity, and the surface they bounce on. The more elastic the material, the higher the bounce. The surface also plays a role, as softer surfaces absorb more of the energy, resulting in a lower bounce. Additionally, factors like air pressure and the angle at which the ball impacts the surface can affect the height of the bounce.

What is the degee of bounce for a Cleveland RTG 56 Degree Sand Wedge?

14 degrees

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How do different type of surfaces affect the bounce of a ball?

I am assuming you are talking about tennis. On a grass surface, the ball will bounce fast. On clay courts, the ball will bounce slower than on grass. On a hard court, the speed of the ball bounce will be in between clay and grass.

What is ideal degree of bounce for sand wedge?

It all depends, and without knowing your game I could not tell you the best for you, however I will share a few tips with you. One factor which is key, is the type of ground that your play on. If you play on a links course where the ground is hard and crusty a low bounce club is ideal as it will slide under the ball, if you used a high bounce club the club would bounce up too soon, and you could thin your shot. If you play on a course which is often soaked by rain, then a high bounce club is ideal, as a low bounce club would dig too easily causing a chunk. It also depends how much sand is in the bunkers you play. If you play on a course with little sand in the bunkers, a low bounce club will allow you to slide under the ball and get it up quickly, a high bounce club will hit the bottom of the bunker and you will most likely thin your shot. If there is a lot of sand in the bunkers, a high bounce club is ideal as a low bounce club would dig too easily and you could end up leaving your ball in the bunker. I have a 56 degree sand wedge with 10 degrees of bounce, and a 60 degree lob wedge with 4 degrees of bounce. I have this because I like to play flop shots and feel I can easily get under the ball to get elevation. The 60 degree with 4 degrees of bounce is not ideal from a fluffy lie in the rough because it will go straight under the ball, that is one of the reasons I have 10 degrees of bounce on my 56, so if I do come across that situation, I can hit a controlled shot with the 56 rather than take my chances with the 60.

Why do different types of balls bounce different heights?

Different types of balls bounce different heights due to variations in their materials, elasticity, and design. Balls made of materials with higher elasticity, such as rubber, tend to bounce higher compared to balls made of less elastic materials. The design of the ball, including the inner pressure and surface texture, also influences how high it bounces.

Why can't I find the song bounce back from marmaduke?

I cant find the song. When him and his friends where dancing in the garage goes like this.Show me how u bounce back,how u bounce back.And the i think it says,If u find the bet now show me how u bounce back.

Will different heights affect the bounce of the ball?

The height you drop the ball from will affect the bounce height this is because as the drop height increases so does the bounce height it is all to do with energy transfers. Also the waste energy is the sound and heat energy hope this helps.