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Men can do it with a little practice. Professional bicycle racers are pretty much forced into learning this if they want to stay with the pack through 6 hours of racing. If gifted with a male anatonmy it is possible to maintain your speed when traveling downhill or with a push from behind. It is a simple as a point and squirt, although you do need to learn to relax a little. (Doing it at high speed or in the wind certainly can lead to splashing.)

I have never seen this attempted by a female. The most obvious option is to soaking yourself and hoping the wetness isn't too obvious. Although I have seen entire packs of female racers call a temporary truce to allow for a pit stop.

The first paragraph is correct, however in a long stage, there are times where the rider will stop, clip out of one pedal, and lean over to void.

This is usually not a problem in professional racing--attacking a rider that is 'relieving him or herself' is considering unsportsmanlike and can lead to hostility towards the attacker.

Sometimes if the race is at quite a slow pace riders stop and get off there bikes and then catch back up.

In 24-hour solo mountain bike races, riders often "just go" while riding.

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Q: How do cyclists pee while they're riding?
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How do cyclists pee?

If any cyclist cannot refrain from urinating on a long ride, they'll just stop and pee. If they wish to remain on the bike, a rider can just "wet his pants" while riding. Certainly a rider will be uncomfortable through the rest of a ride if he selects this option. This isn't a problem that requires a lot of thought, as there are only two choices. Cyclists are dehydrating while riding, and even though they drink and ride, they usually don't have to pee as they are losing so much water through sweat and through respiration. Competitive riders going distances don't stop and pee because they don't have to.

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my pee because lady GAGA did her poker face on it while riding a mecanical bull

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Maybe "Pee-wee's Big Adventure" (1985).

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Yes! Obviously, when cats react to pee, theyre obvs gonna to cat hair; have,an amazing sence

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Was holding in my pee this morning for a while and again in the afternoon and now when you urinate it hurts and it feels like imma pee a lot but you only pee a little bit is that normal?

Yes it is

Why do I pee myself at night while i am asleep?

You are too drunk to wake up when you need to pee.