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Q: How did the 5k's start?
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What are all the meanings the 5ks Sikhism?

5 symbols which members of the khaksa wear

Why do Sikhs carry the 5ks?

Because they show that they are Sikhs and and one who has amrit is supposed to

What relates to cross country?

Running, track and field, road races, 5ks?

Why don't most Sikhs have to wear the 5ks?

they do wear the 5 ks just look at it properly

Why don't all Sikhs wear the 5ks?

It is because they have not chosen to.But once they have chosen to they will have to wear it!

What is the running distance for college cross county running?

it depends on where you run. Some places run 4ks, some 5ks, some 6ks. It really depends on the invitational.

What are the seekisms 5ks?

They are kesh (uncut hair), kanga (a wooden comb), kara (a metal bracelet), kachera (a specific style of cotton underwear), and kirpan (a strapped curved sword).

What is yellow in Sikhism?

Sikhs don't have to wear yellow. Orange and blue are just colours of the khalsa, and no Sikh is forced to wear certain items of clothing other than the 5ks.

Can 13 year olds run marathons?

Yes. A 12 year old can definnitly run 12 miles if they are in shape. I am currently 12 and i run 26 minute 5ks (3.1 miles)

Where can I get runners training even though I'm not a competitive runner?

I bet a lot of trainers at local fitness centers can answer these questions for you. There also may be websites with this information. You could also get involved with local 5Ks to meet other enthusiasts.

Do all Sikhs have to wear the 5ks?

well its required more for men but if women want to they can wear it but as i said it is required more from men so does that answer your question

How much should a twelve year old boy run 2 miles?

Ya!! Get that boy running! two miles is nothing i know a twelve year old girl that runs for xc, track, and does 5ks all the time if he is up to it go for it