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he was a great Track and Field player

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Q: How did Jesse Owens affect lives during the Great Depression?
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Who was a famous black singer during the Great depression?

jesse jackson, queen latifa, oprah, ray charles, and stevie wonder

Who was Jesse The Great?

Jesse The Great was used to refer to Jesse James

How was Karl Menninger Jesse Owens famous in the great depression?

I'm sure we saw the same person mix those two names up. There's Karl Menninger, and Jesse Owens, but no Karl Menninger Jesse Owens. That person does not exist.

How is Jesus related to Jesse?

Jesse was Jesus' ancestor. Because Joseph's like great great great great great great great grandpa was Jesse. So that would make Jesse, Jesus' ancestor. But then Joseph was not Jesus' biological father so perhaps Jesse is not related to Jesus.

Who is Jesse James great great great great niece?

Amanda James

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The Great Gatsby.

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What are the ratings and certificates for The Great Jesse James Raid - 1953?

The Great Jesse James Raid - 1953 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16 USA:Approved (PCA #16468)

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Was Jesse a common name during the old testament times?

Yes king Davids father was called Jesse.