Her school teacher told her one day after Cathy's first race that she was really good at running. Cathy went into competitive running and has ran ever since.
no Cathy Freeman have not retire yet
Running (sprints)
Cathy freeman started running in grade 1 when her class teacher told her she should have a go at school sports and since then shes carried on running
Cathy Freeman is from Aboriginal, English and Chinese background. Her ancestors belonged to these three backgrounds. For more info watch the SBS program "Who do you think you are".
Cathy Freeman achieved getting a gold medal and becoming the fastest women for the 400m in the world. I would love to be her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cathy freeman has got 7 gold medles in her running life and gave birth to a baby girl named ruby
she competes in running. she is an excellent little runner!
No cathy freeman is not the youngest.
Cathy Freeman's height is 1m64
Cathy Freeman has a boyfriend yuk!!
yes Cathy freeman is aboriganal