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The majority of runners in a race will not vomit after they run. However, if you eat/drink dairy products or foods that upset your stomach before a race and/or run very, very hard, there is a chance that it will happen to you. I think it happens to all runners at least a few times in their running careers.

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Q: How common is vomiting after running?
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Common dog vomiting symptoms to look out for include frequent vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, dehydration, and abdominal pain. If your dog is experiencing these symptoms, it is important to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

How can you induce vomiting?

The most common way to induce vomiting is to stick one's finger down the throat and gag oneself. It is also said that drinking a solution of mustard and water will induce vomiting.

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It is Nausea and Vomiting

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Drugs are the most common cause of vomiting, especially during the first days of use. Drugs can induce vomiting by stimulation of the area postrema or by direct stimulation of peripheral nerve pathways.

Why does your ear hurt after vomiting?

You may have bruised the Eustachian tube. Or any number of muscles in the neck area because of the force of the vomiting. There is a lot of pressure behind the act of vomiting and pulling or bruising muscles is common.

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Yes, that is a common symptom along with vomiting and diarrhea.

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It is a common symptom of Lyme's disease. But is also a common symptom of many, many things.

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Upset digestive tract. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

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