You can use a spreadsheet in your favorite sport or hobby by, keeping track of various Baseball statistics to compare your stats with what the sports casters are talking about. You can create your own unique best-of categories, like which team got the most strikes on days that were cloudy.
Fanatical:being over zealous about a subject.For example: People can be fanatical about their favorite sport,religion,celebrity or hobby etc...A way to use this word in speaking, may be:My brother is SO fanatical about football,he won't go anywhere when a games on!
well a spreadsheet is what your making, spreadsheet mode is the view
You use spreadsheet software to create spreadsheets.
Doctors can use a spreadsheet to track their patients. With a spreadsheet, they can track the patient's last visit and what medications they are taking.
Yes, a radiological technician could use a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel in their work.Yes, a radiological technician could use a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel in their work.Yes, a radiological technician could use a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel in their work.Yes, a radiological technician could use a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel in their work.Yes, a radiological technician could use a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel in their work.Yes, a radiological technician could use a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel in their work.Yes, a radiological technician could use a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel in their work.Yes, a radiological technician could use a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel in their work.Yes, a radiological technician could use a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel in their work.Yes, a radiological technician could use a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel in their work.Yes, a radiological technician could use a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel in their work.
on a spreadsheet you can organise stuff, and use it for everyday use e.g a shopping list
Depending on the use of it, it can be Present participle (I am skiing), or Gerund (Skiing is my favorite sport).
Some smaller shopkeepers may not actually need to use a spreadsheet. A spreadsheet is only as good as the information entered into it.
Document how to use the spreadsheet.
They find that computers are their favorite hobby that they think is fun and mentally addictive in usage.
It means to tailor (adapt, alter) a spreadsheet to suit what ever use a user wants from a spreadsheet.
Cody Simpson's favourite sport is swimming, he use to be a competitor until he found that he had another talent, singing (L)