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  • you'll break your neck
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Q: How can you die if you do a backflip?
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Can a chicken do a backflip?

Yes chikens can do a backflip

How do you do a backflip in the game Pure?

"how do you do a backflip in the game pure?"

When was Motorola Backflip created?

Motorola Backflip was created in 2010.

What is the population of Backflip Studios?

Backflip Studios's population is 25.

How do you download the Back to the Future the Game all episodes?

you go jump off a cliff then do a backflip and die.

Who does a backflip in jls?

Aston is the one that does a backflip in JLS and Marvin does cartweels

What phone is better the Motorola backflip or the HTC tilt?

Motorola backflip definitely

When was the first backflip on a motorbike?

The first backflip was done in 2000 by Carey hart.

What is a backflip?

A backflip is a rotation of one's body in the opposite direction to the direction a person is facing.

Motorola backflip vs Motorola rival which is better?

backflip, rival breaks a lot.

Is a backflip with hands a backflip?

Technically it is but the gymnastic term for one is called a back handspring.

Can mvp do a backflip?

no, mvp can't do a backflip, he tried it and failed, that's why he never does a moonsault