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Q: How can humans influence cycling through factories?
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How can humans influence cycling with deforestation?

Humans influence the cycling of deforestation by allowing trees to be removed for commercial or industrial purposes. Most houses are made of wood as well as paper and many more materials are made of out of wood. Humans influence a vicious cycle by consumption without recycling.

How computers influence the development of factories?

Computers help robots do work faster and more precisely than humans.

How can humans help with the cycling basic nutrients in ecosystems?

Humans can help with the cycling of basic nutrients by not spreading chemical compounds evrywhere so the plants can get the nutrients that they need and the cycle of mater ca keep going on and on and on .

What are some sources of pollution?

Cars, humans, factories, anything that can produce productsthe oil sands, the ocean, factories(some)

What some sources of pollution?

Cars, humans, factories, anything that can produce productsthe oil sands, the ocean, factories(some)

How do humans pollute land?

Humans pollute land by either not recycling or just by the cars, factories etc.

How is technology defined?

Technology is the application of the knowledge obtained through science by which humans influence their environment through the development and use of tools and to improve their standard of living.

Do cars generate themselves?

No, cars are manufactured in factories and designed by humans.

What can robots do to help humans with?

Robots can help humans in any way! In the home, business, factories, and can do the most dangerous jobs that humans cant even do!

How cotton is manufactured?

its is manufactered by humans like us! how amazing!!!

How are car engines made?

They are made in automobile factories by humans who are trained to complete this task.

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