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what is the counseling profession that has the longest history of licensure and regulation in the united states
social worker
Oral history
history and relevence of quantitative technique in business management
Yasumitsu Miyazaki has written: 'Kokushi honin' -- subject(s): Sources, History, Selection and appointment, Local officials and employees, Officials and employees
Ronald Asch has written: 'Verwaltung und Beamtentum' -- subject(s): History, History, Local, Local History, Officials and employees, Politics and government
Elaine Harrison has written: 'Officials of royal commissions of inquiry, 1870-1939' -- subject(s): Governmental investigations, History, Officials and employees, Directories
I,Henal,learn how our forefathers fought and sacrificed themselves for our freedom today.
Actually, history will demonstrate that both parties believe in a certain amount of government regulation; but the Republicans like to insist it's only the Democratic party which believes in it.
Nobles, I think I am not sure. Look around in a text book
Zenshichi Takahashi has written: 'Shodai ekitei no kami Sugiura Yuzuru' -- subject(s): History 'Oyatoi gaikokujin' -- subject(s): Alien Officials and employees, Biography, Employees, History, Officials and employees, Alien, Postal service, Telecommunication
Patrick Walker has written: 'Towards independence in Africa' -- subject(s): Politics and government, Colonial administrators, Officials and employees, Kolonialbeamter, Biography, History 'The effect on parathormone on calcium metabolism using radioactive tracer techniques' -- subject(s): Physics Theses 'Six saints of the Covenant'