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There is no known cure for epilepsy, though there are treatments that may help to control it.
There is no known cure for epilepsy, though there are treatments that may help to control it.
They educate people about epilepsy. People who have been diagnosed with epilepsy can get information to help them. They publish research and other relevant information. They can bring people who have information together or put them in contact with each other. They can be advocates for people with epilepsy. They can provide useful services for people with epilepsy, like courses to help them get work.
there is some reports that b12 can help improve epilepsy symptoms, another thing to consider is the medications taken to treat epilepsy as they can lower the b12 levels, so b12 would be beneficial to someone with epilepsy
What kind of help do you need? The drugs for epilepsy are available from medicaid. A number of epilepsy drugs are generic. Can you afford $ 4 a month? If you want an operation to remove scars from your brain, that is a different problem. Still, since you have been diagnosed, the drugs should be no problem.
Generally the national societies in all countries give help and support to their members. They put people in touch with others who have epilepsy. They spread experience, so that people can help and advise each other. They give information to the public about epilepsy and try to dispel the many misconceptions about epilepsy. They may issue reports to help set policy in regards to health. They may take part in research about the condition. Some have newsletters and do fund-raising.
An MRI can be a way of diagnosing a person with epilepsy, but does not have any effect on epilepsy. It is just used to scan the brain.An MRI can be a way of diagnosing a person with epilepsy, but does not have any effect on epilepsy. It is just used to scan the brain.An MRI can be a way of diagnosing a person with epilepsy, but does not have any effect on epilepsy. It is just used to scan the brain.An MRI can be a way of diagnosing a person with epilepsy, but does not have any effect on epilepsy. It is just used to scan the brain.An MRI can be a way of diagnosing a person with epilepsy, but does not have any effect on epilepsy. It is just used to scan the brain.An MRI can be a way of diagnosing a person with epilepsy, but does not have any effect on epilepsy. It is just used to scan the brain.An MRI can be a way of diagnosing a person with epilepsy, but does not have any effect on epilepsy. It is just used to scan the brain.An MRI can be a way of diagnosing a person with epilepsy, but does not have any effect on epilepsy. It is just used to scan the brain.An MRI can be a way of diagnosing a person with epilepsy, but does not have any effect on epilepsy. It is just used to scan the brain.An MRI can be a way of diagnosing a person with epilepsy, but does not have any effect on epilepsy. It is just used to scan the brain.An MRI can be a way of diagnosing a person with epilepsy, but does not have any effect on epilepsy. It is just used to scan the brain.
No. Epilepsy comes in many forms and has many causes. Street drugs cannot be said to be of any help. People with epilepsy will have different drugs prescribed for them, depending on many factors. There is no single drug that will work for all people when it comes to epilepsy. It has to be taken on a case by case basis.
Epilepsy can start at any age, but what age someone is normally has nothing to do with it. Everyone's Epilepsy is caused by one thing or another, but everyone is different. You just need to find what specifically is the cause of your Epilepsy. Go and talk to your doctor. The doctor can help to find the answer for it. It will have nothing to do with age.
She did the bowling.
No That Is Just Stupid