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Yes it has, originally it was the royal necropolis [cemetery or burial site] and people would also go there to venerate the pharaohs as well. Now it is not used for that purpose but is used for tourism.

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Q: Has the purpose of the site of the pyramid of Giza changed over the years?
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How old is the pyramid of Giza?

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What month was the Pyramid of Giza built?

Well the Pyramid of Giza was constructed between the years 2560-2540 BC

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When was the great pyramid of Giza constructed?

The Great Pyramid of Giza was build circa 2560 years BCE as per Pharaoh's Cheops instructions.

Why is it called the great pyramid of Giza?

Because it is the largest pyramid on the Giza plateau.the name giza was given to it because it is a pyramid and it is in the city of giza

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The Great Pyramid at Giza is located in Giza,Egypt

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Roughly 20 years to build the Pyramid of Giza.

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Giza it is the great pyramid of Giza

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Great Pyramid of Giza was the world's tallest building from c. 2570 BC to c. 1300 AD.*(Or for 4,000 years the Great Pyramid was the tallest structure in Giza.)For the source and more detailed information concerning this issue, click on the related links section indicated below.