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Q: Give you a ten most famous track and field players?
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What is a warning track in sports?

The warning track is commonly used in baseball to describe the area nearest the fence to give players warning of the fence that is approaching. It is usually opposite the area before it ex. the outfield is grass meaning the warning track is dirt/gravel etc.

Do the players give out autographs at Yankee Stadium?

It's extremely rare. They don't even let you near the field. Your best bet is catching them after the game.

How does the conductor tell different instrument when to play?

The conductor might give some kind of cue to the section, but players are responsible for counting rests and keeping track of their own parts.

How many people in a baseball game?

At most there can be 13 players on the field at one time, if you include pitcher, catcher and the other 7 fielding postions. Plus adding the player that is up to bat and 3 base runners give you 13. At the minimum there are 10 players on the field when you take away the base runners.

Can you give weapons to other players in the game Crossfire?

no you cannot give weapons to other players.

Why is there high scoring listing on games?

My guess would be that it is there to keep track of the best players, give you a goal to work towards, a reference point to help you figure out just how high your score really is, and also to give the gamers a feeling of satisfaction. But that's just my guess. :)

Why the people that are fat and they do track and field?

Well to answer your question. they want to motivate they're selves to get in shape or just to do a hobby or ect.Track and Field is based on dedication and hard work.its blood, sweat and tears. but in the end its worth it.they probably want to lose you know how hard it is to be ' fat ' and takes alot of courage to do track and Field and be obese it take dedication and alot of motivation .So when I see a obese person running next to me or just running on the track ( i do track myself ) i have so much respect for them and i give them a pat on the back and say " you're doing good " and that makes them feel so much better and so motivated.

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How many players are on the field for a Special Olympics soccer game?

dont trust this website it doesnt give you the right answers i got an F on my project because of this website so dont trust it

How many people in baseball can get out before the whole team is out?

The minimum number of players that a baseball team must be able to field is 9. If there are any less players at game time, the team without the correct amount of players will forfeit the game. In little league, many umpires will give teams leeway in getting the kids to the field, since the game is for the kids.

When are the players of the football players on the team?

When they give you a jersey, and a helment, or basically the gear. When they are on the roster.

Who are Kilkennys most famous GAA players?

Kilkenny are the most successful county in Hurling. As a result they have a large amount of famous players both past and present. So it would be an impossible to give a full list. Here are just some. DJ Carey, Lory Meagher, Brian Cody, Noel Skehan, Henry Shefflin, Eddie Keher and there are many others.