you need a very good trusyworthy friend for this(non-members ver)
well what we did is we both had skulls over our head.
we both had 26k(or 75k either way).
first off he banked every thing and i only had rune scim.
i killed him first and my drop was rune legs 75k and junk(str pot(2)stew's cake's tuna's blah blah blah)
and then it was his turn, so on and so forth....
after about wasting 1m on this...i ended up only making about 200k so for me not really worth it
some times i only got drops very weak....such as tuna and stews mainly.
i think we got better drops when our ep was not too sure about the ep or what it does some people told me it was dp....(drop potential).
i did not see any difference if it was at 100% or 0%.
oh and one other thing the more often you die the less ep (dp) you get.
if your wondering where you and your friend can do this safely without pjers, we had this spot..
near lumbridge:there is a dungeon sign just a little bit north of the lumbridge guide, go down there and there should not be any one else...if there is they are probley just doing the 26k(or 75k) trick so there nothing to worry about.
i hope this helps and have fun good luck on your drop!!
You need to drop potential/EP up.
You risk more items yourself, the more you risk the more you get. You get good drops if you are risking 25k or more on a pvp world. This means that you would lose it if you died, and it is not protected by the protect item prayer. There is a great guide on how to own in Pvp worlds here:
No, It hasn't.. i dont know what this guy is on, but i know for a fact that it is still operative.. i do this everyday, and runescape once had an article about earning EP.. Earned potential.. so good luck.. and dont listen to ppl =)
obviously you don't know what your talking about. You have to do it with 75k first of all. Then you stay out of a bank for 15 minutes then go to a hot spot and kill some1. it is NOTagainst the rules. Actually, it is encouraged =)Hope it helped------Bobbityjoe2 (My runescape user is bobbityjoe1)kenneth_matthews: actually you only need 26 k to do the trick i have personaly seen this work, some people say that the 75k can get you a better drop, some times this is true sometimes it isn't iv gotten realy crappy drops before wile doing this with 75k and i have done this with 26k, preferably it works better with 26k but it is your choice and by the wat it is NOT against the rules.hope this helped --- kenneth_matthews my name on runescape is meeko1111111.third edit (backing up meeko1111111)- I know this trick works because i risked 26k and got a 370k drop (dragon boots and other things) AND i have gotten 2 pairs of brawlers too.GL if you use the trick-ajdj123321Omfg, today I was 26k tricking, got a dfh! (Dragon Full Helm) I was at like 13% potential, I was down to 0% potential and I got a rune platebody g, so it does help a little to have potential. :)Gl! -Aros888.~angelsblade0 says as of 10/28/09 or within a day or two of that date jagex officially made 76k trick against the rules and took precautions to decrease the drops from 76kiing.actually it doesn't matter any more. it's been destroyed by jagex
In member pvp/bounty you go with someone tht has 76k in pvp and they let you kill them. Then you put 76k in dock and let them kill you. that way you wil get goood loot! =)
There is no pvp. They came out with pvp a few months ago and are still updating it.
In AL you can do pvp everywhere in the chantra world,when you are abouve lvl 20. Only in Towns there's no pvp,but in big citys are pvp arena's.
All PVP type servers in WoW have lots of PVP going on, including Daggerspine.
yes you can pvp on certiain servers in everquest yes you can pvp on certiain servers in everquest
Well, if your talking about PVP necklaces, ( it makes your power go up when your in pvp ) all you have to do is go to battleon. Now over to the right side of your screen, look for ' PVP ' and click on it. Now click where it says, ' PVP necklaces ' . If you are a member of ' AdventureQuest Worlds ' then you can get any necklace. If you aren't a member there is one necklace that you could get in PVP. It's the middle one. It increases your power level by five hundred! ( +500 ) BUT before you go in PVP to test it out, go to your inventory and see where it says either, ' Bronze PvP Amulet + 650, or Copper PvP Amulet +500, or Silver PvP Amulet + 800, and click on it. Then equip it. Now all you have to do is go in PVP and look what your power level is now!!! PvP necklaces only work in PvP, so please do not get mad if it doesnt work outside of PvP.
No. You can flag yourself for PVP play on a PVE server. Though it is my experience that most people don't flag themselves for PVP on PVE servers in DCUO.
Hit x que for pvp then go to pvp master and buy potions for 1 pvp reward each