This question is impossible to answer ! How bigare the golf-balls - how wide and how high is the trailer !
a foot
Money comes in different denominations, and rubber bands come in different sizes. You question is sort of like how many balls can a bucket hold? Depends on which bucket, and are they bowling balls, baseballs or golf balls. In short, there is no one answer.
Soccer balls are used instead of golf balls in the sport FootGolf. The cups are made bigger for the soccer ball and the rules of the game follow the rules of golf.
If was very early in the development of the game of golf that if was discovered that golf ball travel further when they are warm. So in answer to your question no not really.
The laddie is not gender specific. Ladies golf balls are usually labelled as ladies golf balls, where as you would never see golf balls labelled mens' golf balls.
golf balls
106 golf balls
Golf balls are heavier when frozen.
56 boxes which is a total of 504 golf balls. Hector will have 4 extra golf balls if he gives away 500 golf balls.
Ladies golf balls are distance golf balls, they have very little spin. They go slightly father, but not by that much.